Thursday, 12 September 2013

Portraits - Part 3 - Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek:
Salma Hayek
Year: 2009
Medium: Water Color, Acrylic Color, A4 Chart
Inspiration: This was drawn using a picture of Salma Hayek.

Description: The reason I chose to draw Salma Hayek was that her the pic that i chose as inspiration had different shades and that by itself was a challenge to replicate. So, i decided to give it a try.

Outline: The outline came out really well to my satisfaction. The challenge was to have a slanted head but then ensure that the facial features shouldn't get distorted. Once I managed to cover the facial features, the next challenge was to do the designs in the dress well.

Painting: I really love to follow a layered approach to painting. So, I started off with a light skin shade on the face. I then allowed it to dry and added white flashes with water color onto the right half of the forehead

Acrylic: The left side of the face had to have a bright flash (mainly near the left eye) since the light was falling on the left side of the face. I think the challenge with acrylic is in the way you handle it. You just have a minimal time when you handle acrylic, the paint gets dried-up really quick when it is right there on the brush but, if you can handle it well, then the quality of painting improves drastically.

Rosy Effect: Now, I had two coats done on the face, one with the skin color and then i topped it up with white flashes. The next step was to have the rosy effect on the cheeks and the forehead. I painted maroon with a thick bristled brush in the forehead and the right cheeks just to give the effect of pancake layering. I again topped up with acrylic flash near the left eyes and gave an unproportioned outline to the left cheek.

The Hair: I normally follow a layered approach to the hair wherein I use brown or blue as the base color and then i top it up with black shade to give a shiny effect. In this case, i used a brown base and then topped up with black. Again, for the flashy effect i used white line drags from front to back of the head.

The Skin: I used plain cream color and then accentuated the collar bone with brown color. I added brown shades to the outline of the hand and the neck to show the effect of light and shadow.

The Background: This is one of my most favorite backgrounds because the idea was to replicate a glass house full of plants in the background but it had to be flashed out to give a blurred effect. I was really happy with the outcome of using acrylic over green in the left side background. Acrylic whites are really effective when they are used to show effect of spot lights as in the left background.

The Unfinished Part: The designs in the dress were not completed because I wasn't confident that it will come out well. Apart from the yellow color used, there are pencil outlines visible because of this. Given a chance, I would like to make the colors in the drawing one shade bolder  to give a finished effect. I was really surprised about the likes i got for this painting here :

I guess since I named the portrait as Salma Hayek people started liking it. No wonder!

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